
Happy to answer any question you have


What are your rates? Do you have a pricelist? 你們有價目表嗎?

Our commission starts at a base of £800 (depends on the services, products needed and location). Let us know your needs and we will provide a bespoke service list with detail quotation.


Do we need to pay a booking fee to book your service? 我們需要支付預訂費來預訂您的服務嗎?

Yes, we typically require a booking fee of 50% of the total cost for destination shoots. The remaining 50% is due 4 weeks before the shoot. For UK shoots, we ask for 30% upfront, with the remaining 70% to be paid 2 weeks before the shoot.


Is there a time limit and number of shots? 是否有時間限制和拍攝照片數量?

It depends on the hours of coverage you need. In general, we shoot at least 40 photos per hour. After culling, clients can choose from at least 30 photos (per hour booked).


(For Engagement/ Pre-wedding shoot) If the weather turns bad, can we pick an alternative date for the shoot? 天氣變差,可以改期嗎?

Well, it depends. We are open to discussing this. Generally, we encourage embracing the weather and the natural scenery. However, if it poses a risk to us or our equipment, we would prefer to reschedule. A last-minute change of date is possible if:

  • There is no conflict with other scheduled shoots.
  • We are still at the destination and can catch our return transportation on time. *Please note that there may be additional costs if we need to rearrange transportation and accommodation.


  • 沒有與其他拍攝安排衝突
  • 我們仍在拍攝地點,且能按時趕上回程交通 *如果我們需要重新安排交通和住宿,可能會產生額外費用。
Will the photos be professionally edited? 專業編輯照片程序是怎樣的?

There are two types of edits. The first type is colour edits and another one is detail art edits. We like to keep the edits reflect the real situations of your events, rather than putting the trendy ‘filters’ which may only look good for a few years. We will first cull and select the photos for colour tuning. Detail art edits process is available for the next process after colour tunning, we will discuss more when we build your bespoke package.


Can we print the photos ourselves? 我們可以自己打印照片嗎?

Yes, although the copyrights belong to the photographer, we grant the permission for clients to make copies of the pictures as long as those are for private use, not for resell; however, we are not responsible for the colour matching with the printer of your choice. We have cooperated with professional lab for years, who we trust and able to print the pictures with 99.7% colour accuracy (print based on our monitors). Most of our clients would order the album and album copies for families through us.


Do you take formal photos in weddings (e.g. family and group photos)? 您是否在婚禮上拍攝正規集體照?

Yes, and we also have our own way to make group photos and formal shots look interesting and intimate.



Is there any other cost other than the service price? 除了服務價格外,還有其他費用嗎?

Although we quote all-inclusive quotation, there may be extra expenses needed:

– staff food at weddings if the coverage required is more than 6 hours.
– your own flights and accommodation (for destination shoot)
– changing date and route after signing contract (which may cause an increase in travel expenses)





Why you do not provide online preview photos? 為什麼不提供在線預覽照片?

We actually do provide online preview photos with watermark, however, for providing a full experience, we would love to show you the result in the reveal session. Clients will then get the digital copies of the photos (of their choice) and the download link for the videos.


Is there anything we need to be aware of? 有什麼需要我們注意的嗎?

For health and safety and insurance reasons, we do not allow anyone who is not in our team to touch our equipment – even if they are well-trained in photography! So, although we know your friends are very helpful, please do not invite them to assist in carrying equipment or taking photos.


Why is it important to have pre-wedding shoot before the wedding day? 為什麼在結婚前拍婚紗照很重要?

Although the engagement shoot / pre-wedding shoot is optional, we strongly recommend it because:

1. It gives us a chance to get to know more about you, your style, your story and the rundown of your wedding.
2. It allows us to make sure we know what you are expecting in terms of both taking the photos and the style of edits.
3. It lets you get used to being around the camera and working with us to make memorable photos.





What information do you need to provide before your wedding day photo shoot? 婚禮拍攝之前,您需要提供什麼資料?

1. Time and location.

2. Restriction of the venues (e.g.Does the venue allow flash photography during the ceremony and the signing of documents?)

3. Logistics of the group photo section

4. Any special needs or planned ‘surprises’

5. Two contacts whom we can reach on the day






What happens if unexpected things occur? e.g. Natural Disaster? Illness? 如果發生意外情況會怎樣?如自然災害或疾病?

If such things occur during the photo shoot, we will see if we find an alternative, for example, changing the rundown. If we, unfortunately, need to reschedule the second half of the photo shoot, we do not charge any fee for booking the latter half. If we cannot schedule another date, we will reduce our price in accordance with our actual working hours, but unfortunately, the booking fee is non-returnable.

If a member of crew dropped out because of health or accident, we will arrange substitutes for your event.



Are there any restriction in selecting photo shoot locations? 選擇拍攝地點時是否有任何限制?

You can take photos almost anywhere with a valid permit. If you do not want to be stopped by security guards, we can help with the permit application. Normally the process takes at least a week. Please let us know the location for your photo shoot at least 30 days in advance. Clients are responsible for relevant permit fees.


Will you photoshop the background? 你可以修圖改善背景嗎?

We will edit away:
– rubbish bin
– fire exit signs
– unwanted people at the edge of the images

Unless it is necessary, we will not edit:
– sky replacement
– the crowd on the street / busy wedding 
– removing objects which appear large on the images 

Can you photograph and retouch me like a model? 你可以令我變成模特?

For ethical reasons, we choose to edit naturally. We will take away skin blemishes and anything temporary, like wounds, cuts, etc. If you are self-conscious about anything, let us know in advance during the moodboard-building process. We will avoid taking certain angles in this case. We maybe not able to change you to be a model, but we can show the best version of yourself on images.


What kind of gear the team uses? 團隊使用哪一些裝備?

We only use full-frame cameras. We are also equipped with different lenses that allow us to get wide-angle, middle range and close up shots. For photography, we use flashes and different filters to create effects. For videography, we use LED light, mic with proper audio cable, stabiliser, tripod, slider to make sure we get good video and audio for editing.


Do you do commercial shoots? 你會做商業攝影及宣傳影片嗎?

Yes, please visit www.thesnapshotcafecommercial.com for our commercial work portfolio.

是的,請到www.thesnapshotcafecommercial.com 看我們的商業作品集。
Do you hold workshop? 你們有學習班嗎?

Yes, at the moment, we only do one to one workshop which will help individuals in particular things they want to learn. Workshops include: Basic camera control, theories and practice, editing, poses and emotions, lighting, composition and colour, day time and night time shooting techniques and hair styling & makeup. Please contact us to book your workshop.


Have a Chat

服務項目 Services:
Destination Pre-Wedding & Wedding Photography, Cinematography 海外婚紗旅拍,婚禮紀錄
Individual and Family Portraiture 人像,家庭照拍攝
Hair Styling & Makeup 髮型及彩妝
Gown Hire and Bespoke Gown Making 訂製婚紗及婚紗租借

地點 Locations:
United Kingdom, Hong Kong, Italy, Czech Republic, Turkey, France, Singapore, Bali

聯絡我們訂自助婚攝之旅 Talk to us today for your tailor-made package:
Tel/ Whatsapp/ WeChat/ Signal
+44 7542415261 Tina Au
+44 7447460808 Edward
Email: info@foreverlovejourney.com

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