The Pandemic has brought a lot of chaos as well as a chance to reflect for us all. For weddings, many couples had to postpone their big days because of lockdown or closure of the venues, however, nothing can stop us love one another. Many couples, after experiencing all these chaos, choose to get married in this unprecedented period of time. Some couples would also grab this opportunity to have a small wedding of their dream without breaking the bank. Lockdown has been lifted slowly, are you planning to get married soon? For intimate weddings and multi-days celebrations, we have posted our top tips in some posts.

大流行給我們帶來了很多混亂,也給了我們一個反思的機會。 對於婚禮,由於各國場地的封鎖或關閉,許多新人不得不推遲大日子,但是,沒有什麼能阻止我們彼此相愛。 經歷了這些混亂之後,許多新人選擇在這個空前的時間裡結婚。 一些新人也抓住這個機會,舉行一場夢想中的小資婚禮。 封鎖已慢慢解除,您打算很快結婚嗎? 我們發布了些帖子中提議小型婚禮和多天的慶祝活動建議。

Please read the followings:

About Wedding Dress, Photography & Videography, Decoration, Favours And Hair And Makeup | 關於婚紗,攝影師,裝飾,回禮禮物,新娘彩妝
Post Lockdown Survival Guide For Grooms And Brides: How To Organise Multi-Days Wedding? – About Rundown|關於婚禮程序
About Venues, Travel And Catering | 關於場地,交通和餐飲
About Theme And Guests Experience | 婚禮主題及賓客體驗

Below, we would like to introduce elopements type of wedding and describe how we can serve and celebrate with you.下面,我們想介紹私密婚禮的類型,並描述我們的服務和我們如何與您一同慶祝。

You can wake up when you feel the warmth of sunlight instead of waking up because of the alarm and knowing you will rush into a war zone early morning for ‘getting ready’. 您可以在感覺到陽光的溫暖時醒來,而不是因為鬧鐘吵醒,叫您將在清晨進入“作戰區”。

You can wear anything representing your character, white is not the only colour. 喜歡穿甚麼缺穿甚麼,白不是唯一的顏色。

You can invite as few guests as you want, or choose not to invite any at all, instead of having parents and in-laws invite people you may not know well. 您可以邀請少量的賓客,或者不邀請任何賓客,而不是讓父母和姻親邀請您可能不認識的人來您們的婚禮。

You can have the ceremony anywhere as long as the paper is signed. 只要簽署文件,您就可以在任何地方舉行慶典。

You can go bowling with your best friends and share a large bucket of chicken wings and pizza instead of having a formal drinking reception. (You can have it as well if you want.) 您可以和好友去打保齡,共享一大桶的雞翅和比薩,而不必參加正式的酒會。 (如您想的高,當然也可以有酒會。)

You can sit around the campfire and share love stories instead of passing the mic for giving formal speeches which sound like a half an hour lecture. 沒有人喜歡像講課一樣的演講,其實您可以坐在營火旁分享愛情故事。

With or without first dance, to cut a cake or not, these are all your choices, not a must. You don’t need a ‘sparkler exit’ if you don’t want to. In fact, we would like to photograph the way you begin your new life. Getting married in your style – that’s elopement. 無論是否跳舞,要否切蛋糕,這些都是您的選擇。 您不喜歡的話,也不需要以煙花來作散場。 實際上,我們想拍攝一下您開始新家庭的方式。 按照自己的風格結婚-那就是私密式婚禮。

      Tips for planning 規劃提示:

  1. Based on your Love Story – Where do you like to hang out with your partner? What kind of activities represent your character? 根據您的愛情故事製定活動 – 您想在哪裡與伴侶共處? 什麼樣的活動代表您的性格?
  2. Think about the whole day arrangement – Most people just think of the registration ceremony. In fact, it is worth celebrating your love for the day, not just for 1 or 2 hours. This wedding day for you (Regardless how small it is; you see it as the day to sign the paper only; or it is a separate day of your coming bigger celebration) is as important as big weddings. It is because you and your other half worth it. 考慮一下全日的安排 – 大多數人只想到註冊儀式。 實際上,您的愛情值得用一天去慶祝,而不僅僅是1或2個小時。 對於您而言,這個婚禮日(無論它多麼小或您將其視為僅簽署文件的一天,又或者是您即將舉行的大型慶祝活動前的另一天)與大型婚禮一樣重要。 這是因為您和您的另一半值得這樣的慶祝。
  3. Invest in the items and activities that celebrate your love and preserve your memory. 投資在能讓您們保留愛的回憶的物品和活動。
  4. Invite guests who are important to you both.邀請對你倆都重要的賓客。
  5. Be Creative, feel free to take below examples as reference. 用創意去計劃,可採用下面的例子作為參考。

Sabrina & Josh Urban Elopement

Getting Ready Location: Airbnb in Waterloo
Ceremony Location: London Eye
Additional Portrait Location: Thames Riverside
Meal/Celebration Location: Airbnb in Waterloo

The night before: Decorate Airbnb balcony and Tandem bicycle
9:00 am – Makeup artist arrive, start getting ready
10:00 am – Photographer and videographer arrive for boudoir shoot, details and getting ready shots
11:00 am –  Dress up + First Look (Balcony)
12:00 pm – Travel to London Eye (by Cab)
1:00 pm – Ceremony with Personalised vows in London Eye, Group photos on London Eye
2:00 pm – More photos in Jubilee Garden
3:00 pm – Ride bicycle along Thames Riverside and take photos (Waterloo to Millennium Bridge) 
4:00 pm – (Millennium Bridge to Tower Bridge)
5:00 pm – (Tower Bridge to Westminster, end at Big Ben)
6:00 pm – Travel back to Airbnb by bicycle, Makeup artist arrive, change into red evening gown, touch up, Private Chef arrive
7:00 pm – Simple Chinese Tea ceremony, Dinner with family and close friends
8:00 pm – Cake cutting and Speeches
9:00 pm – First Dance (Balcony), Karaoke start, Night photo shoot
10:00pm – Photographer depart
11:00pm – Party end
Next day: Return Tandem

Maddie & Paul Countryside Elopement

Getting Ready Location: Ballyness Caravan Park 
Ceremony Location: Giant’s Causeway
Additional Portrait Location: Along the coast, Old Bushmills Distillery
Meal/Celebration Location: Carrick-a-Rede rope bridge

9:00 am – Photographer and videographer arrive, Breakfast, Start getting ready
10:00 am – Details shots and Dress up
11:00 am – Travel to Old Bushmills Distillery
12:00 pm – Visit Old Bushmills Distillery and buy a bottle of Whisky
1:00 pm – Travel to Giant’s Causeway visitor centre, quick light lunch in camper, meet guests and Celebrant
2:00 pm – Walk to ceremony spot (by seaside), Touch up, Ceremony start
3:00 pm – Group photo and Confetti
4:00 pm – Couple portraits
5:00 pm – Travel to Carrick a Rede rope bridge, more photos
6:00 pm – BBQ
7:00 pm – Sunset shoot
8:00 pm – Stargaze and Outdoor movie
9:00 pm – Photographer depart
10:00 pm – Return to Caravan Park

Mary & Martin Destination Elopement

Getting Ready Location: Ca’ Sagredo Hotel, Venice
Ceremony Location: on Gondola
Additional Portrait Location: Around the City, The Glass CathedralMeal/Celebration Location: The Gritti Terrace in The Gritti Palace, Met in Hotel Metropole

7:00 am – Wake up, Quick Breakfast
8:00 am – Makeup artist arrive, start getting ready
9:00 am – Photographer and videographer arrive for boudoir shoot, details and getting ready shots
10:00 am –  Bouquet arrive, Dress up + First Look, Travel to The Glass Cathedral by water bus
11:00 am – The Glass Cathedral workshop – make symbols of love in Murano Glass and Perfume workshop
1:00 pm – Lunch in The Gritti Terrace at The Gritti Palace, touch up, walk to Gondola station nearby
3:00 pm – Ceremony on the gondola with Personalised vows, exchange rings, ‘symbols of love glass’ and Perfume, champagne 
4:00 pm – Wander around and take photos, starting from St. Mark’s Square (Sunset at 5:30pm)
6:00 pm – Dinner in Met restaurant, Hotel Metropole (with Masquerade theme)
8:00 pm – Musician arrive, Cake cutting, First Dance
9:00 pm – Night photo shoot on the street
10:00pm – Photographer depart
11:00pm – Return to Ca’ Sagredo Hotel


We, Forever Love Journey, are here to help. We can run through your dream wedding day rundown with you, plan the shots and take photos and videos on your big day. Contact us for more information. 我們,Forever Love Journey,樂意為您提供協助。 我們可以與您一同計劃夢想婚禮的細節,計劃拍攝照片及錄像。 今日就聯繫我們吧。