去年除夕,我們為一對德國新婚夫婦拍蜜月旅拍。照片被選中,輯在Weddingwire的博客上! 這對德國夫婦現在美國工作和生活。 太太說旅拍比買紀念品要好! 她認為這些照片比任何昂貴的手提包都值錢,因為它們記錄了他們的愛情故事和經歷!

無論走到哪裡,他們都會僱用當地攝影師為他們拍輯。 為什麼不使用自己的智能手機拍照? 自拍就足夠吧? ‘不,我們想要高質量,耐看的照片。 讓回憶歷歷在目不過時。 作為前模特,我對使用ModelMayhem這樣的網站尋找願意為我們免費拍攝的攝影師並不陌生,但是我們發現他們的許多照片看起來更像是業餘愛好者的作品,因此最近,我們決定僱用專業攝影師為我們拍攝。”

在拍攝過程中,我們帶他們走過了倫敦少人到的地方,包括橫街小巷和旅客可能不會注意到的神祕地點,包括拍攝《哈利波特》的地點,因為那位女士是哈利波特的粉絲! 感謝我們之前僱用過我們拍步行遊覽的公司,我們從他們中學到了很多東西!

儘管本文與他們的拍輯經驗無關,但當中包含了一些好的婚姻貼士。 在此,我們祝所有我們的新婚夫婦聖誕快樂和新年快樂! 我們也迫不及待想和你們一起慶祝結婚一周年紀念! 對於新郎來說,打印的照片將是您紙婚週年紀念日的最好禮物。

Last year New Year Eve couple travel shoot featured on Weddingwire! This German couple is legend. They are now working and living in the US. The lady said having photo shoots is better than buying souvenir! She thinks the photos worth more than any expensive handbag as they record the love story and experiences they share!

Wherever they go, they employ local photographers to take travel photos for them. Why not taking photos with their own smart phones? Selfie would be enough? ‘No, not for us, we want quality photos which last for a lifetime. No matter when we look at them, they look new and not dated. As a former model, I’m not a stranger using websites like ModelMayhem to find photographers who may be happy to shoot for us for free, but we found that a lot of their photos look more like hobbyists’ works, so recently, we decided to employ professionals.’

During the shoot, we brought them to see different places in London, including back streets, secret locations where people may not notice, including locations where Harry Potter was filmed, because the lady is a Harry Potter fan! Thanks to the walking tours we filmed before, we have learnt a lot from them!

Although this article is not about their experience, it is a good read. Here, we wish all our newlyweds Merry Christmas and have a great year ahead! We cannot wait to celebrate your first year anniversary with you too! For grooms, printed photos would be a good gift for your Paper Anniversary.