Dear newly brides-to-be and grooms-to-be, we are going to Paris, France from Easter Holiday for 10 days photo trip, taking romantic pre-wedding photos, videos and providing bridal hair & makeup service. If you would like to join us, contact us today, there is limited space available from 16/4 to 20/4. We are, of course, offering a very reasonable price with half-day and full-day shoot options.

Since travel restrictions were slowly lifted, we have been traveling around (with cautions), taking some shoots in Barcelona and Seville last Autumn. We will post the photos very soon! Keep an eye on this space!
So, feel free to contact us by email (info@foreverlovejourney.com) and/or our Facebook page messenger and tell us your dream pre-wedding shoot. Thank you!

親愛的新人,我們將在復活節假期到法國巴黎進行為期10天的攝影之旅,拍攝浪漫的婚紗照、錄影並提供新娘妝髮服務。 如果您想參加,請立即與我們聯繫,尚有少量空檔(16/4 至 20/4 )。 當然,我們提供非常合理半天和全天拍攝選項及價格。

在旅行限制放寬之後,我們一直都有(謹慎地)四處拍攝。去年秋天,我們在巴塞羅那和塞維利亞拍攝了一些照片,將很快發布! 密切關注!
您可通過電子郵件 (info@foreverlovejourney.com) 和/或我們的 Facebook 頁面與我們聯繫,告訴我們您所想要的夢想婚紗照。謝謝!