可以淨化空氣排斥細菌和病毒的油畫? | Canvas Which Can Purify Air and Repel Bacteria and Virus?

可以淨化空氣排斥細菌和病毒的油畫? | Canvas Which Can Purify Air and Repel Bacteria and Virus?

儘管這不是一個全新的主意,慶幸,生產商正在開發可以過濾空氣雜質的油畫。 聽起好似難以置信。 您會為家人訂購嗎? 知道這將確保他們的安全並且不用打理太多。Although it is not an entirely new idea, it is interesting to know wall arts that can filter impurities in the air is being developed. It just sounds too good to be true. Would you order them...
大日子形象测试 – 新娘人像摄影 – Studio Bridal Portraits

大日子形象测试 – 新娘人像摄影 – Studio Bridal Portraits

想确保婚礼当天一切顺利,又给人眼前一亮的感觉吗?为什么不尝试一下并根据照片做出决定?给所有准新娘的好建议,当你访问婚纱店前预订试妆,并带上新娘形象顾问,拍几张照片以便决定。 Want to make sure everything looks alright and give a wow factor for wedding day? Why not try things out and decide based on photos? A good tip to all bride-to-be, book the hair and...
A Walk to Remember – 初戀的回憶

A Walk to Remember – 初戀的回憶

Not THE movie…..obviously. This is a story with the happy ending, a fairytale in the making. We approached this shoot with the intention to make snaps that will communicate our subjects’ personalities, to make this story more inspiring and candid. So, after...