A simple classic wedding 簡約經典婚禮

A simple classic wedding 簡約經典婚禮

A simple classic wedding in the famous ‘Paul McCartney room’ inside The Old Marylebone Town Hall for the British Born Hong Kong Groom and Bride. After the ceremony, we went to Regent’s Park near Camden for couple portriats.  We were supposed to...
It is all about you and what you love

It is all about you and what you love

我們知道要完成人生旅程並不容易。所有人都需要伴侶。在Forever Love Journey中,我們相信我們需要保護家庭價值並慶祝愛情。當我們墜入愛河時,一切看起來都很完美。我們夢想得到完美的婚姻。 (雖然他或她可能並不完美,沒有人是,我們會盼望一起成長並變得完美。)當兩個人對站彼此面前發誓一生愛護對方時,婚禮就是慶祝婚姻的開始。無論有2人還是1000人見證,我們都珍惜能稱呼為夫妻的完美一天。對於我們來說,無論是小型婚禮還是大型婚禮,本地拍攝或海外拍攝,我們都會為您提供最好的拍攝效果,因為您也是同樣為婚姻做到最好。...
大日子形象测试 – 新娘人像摄影 – Studio Bridal Portraits

大日子形象测试 – 新娘人像摄影 – Studio Bridal Portraits

想确保婚礼当天一切顺利,又给人眼前一亮的感觉吗?为什么不尝试一下并根据照片做出决定?给所有准新娘的好建议,当你访问婚纱店前预订试妆,并带上新娘形象顾问,拍几张照片以便决定。 Want to make sure everything looks alright and give a wow factor for wedding day? Why not try things out and decide based on photos? A good tip to all bride-to-be, book the hair and...